Friday, December 6, 2024

 December 6, 2024


Apologies, this belatedness in response. Presently, continued by the rebalancing upon the Order for Architects to maintain their working capacities at a higher performance, abstaining from restrictive and constraining conditions by arbitrary circumstance, but for poorer health this year. To each and every Architect for whom the representative did speak as autumn arrived, here then, the earlier thoughts, directly responding to what topic what question raised, and to a somewhat in proposal called “SqrOne” hopefully to address some of the issues which should help our overview upon what in urban and built forms seem to quickly shifting. So, a tentative address, a few preliminary thoughts here offered informally. 

A great pleasure in gratefulness first all to ourselves and each other, the affairs to today still of very order - the obstacles have been diverse, and despite the push to us who have demanded the query by circumstances much of these tides of a foreign source by cultural conventions fairly distinct from what local and founded here in this Province, we ourselves to the responses, so still we retain our child like awe for the years recent preparing awhile to know the present and surprising ourselves awhile a future knowable and there we hold on before what unfavorable in those futures unknown. That query were the name is here our civility, but emergency continue to call, by questions where whom disappeared from our view, this called ‘disappearance toll’, or that such did deviate from expectations of long term siting, long term functional program in logic or habitual nature as road traffic direction or content of literature to perform particular address, or so many and so much issued from what had been fine conditioning by the furnished and complete statement of such as a line of vegetation, well squared and formed a pavement or wall, and so on. For ourselves, the continued issuing of transformative potential to larger forms, that is the very resultant vertical architectures from our labors in design and designation, and in build, and moreover routine maintenance; but now under such a operative event where factors, here to be filled as “in the blank or, as such knowable value and so on as [… ]”. So here the topic we wish to immediately discover ourselves upon in consensus post having reached resolution granting ourselves as Architects. And all, as the City, most happy after being content but moreover, these moments our aspiration must let us see as on the Horizon or closer, this called “re-localizing” as upon a reality somewhat distinct from that presumed by expectations before, or as what correct and Good having been assumed rightly did then lead us closer and closer to the hope’s wish. 

To imagination’s glory the definite knowing of that called resultant or outcome as with aspects to most agreement, to say, that each psychology from the table of those who invested money and labor, who dreamed with light and hope, and all the members of community and of city and Province, each and every could agree that a tomorrow shall be made, and that this day yet will be great and wonderful in many ways, of this we could all be sure - this is a hallmark of a world that has laid down what could be vested, to be Able to suppose that one and all tomorrows are built and so each has to be made, and so in surety we could all guess how this manufacture is forged is directly the justifying cause of how tomorrow is real and then known by the little ones. The issues of the day now this year to be full of problems of various issues, these need to meet some effort of cataloging via analysis to generate priority and method of response, perhaps related to category, variety of repair flow, contemplations other and additional, perhaps linkage forming from this place to other places, before and after relevance bearing too, et cetera. That such has had now substantial consideration is too leading to some possibility of letting press release to the news outlets; our questions as Architects concern whether but too how consequential the publicization of particulars could reach even or particular as outcome post release, and previously how based before in what knowledge from here founded or from elsewhere by our worktables easily translatable to here as local applicable knowledge? The real’s requirement continues to be that by its positioning to stand against or counter what “I” am constituted by my past or by our knowledge beheld by me in the past and now held true, by such nevertheless needs that we ourselves advance a Such, to eventuate a common outcome where both that which is beside ourselves, and we ourselves, have both spoken, or perhaps more so, have Both Stated the Case so then the outcome. 

But herein lies much to the punctuation of the question mark. What ought be said, what be done. To the most of the objective, that is, what objective of those objectives that have held all the moments of all the work in these months and years..?

So it is, to be proposed a administration that is capable of knowing of all the works being done to maintain the built city, and then, to the point of council that works on the course as of make, ie. As Course in the Making - too to hold the projects that can generate the intelligence to hold the course projected as by Protraction. A design to be forwarded on the premise that each loose effort to address specifically a specific item of issue, every could be alongside where a design better addresses overall outcome value, in a way where even a larger hope could enter into consideration, or pondering?

More in a short while. 


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Person as Architect in a world called To Societies of Architects, a message to the locals

 The following is an excerpt from my Diary written earlier from my seat by backpack, like a make shift seat at a bus terminal or a pleun air painting session. A message contained, to counter the adversities by what yet understood brought, the upholding of order even by measures so natural as in by some past perfected as a dream easily wrought, so today amidst what one magazine headlined as “age of uncertainty”, we do must towards order even where smaller actions, for the most important not to fall is that problematic in one instance or two addressed below, but countering patterns bad or worse, like disregard like passivity, recall well for tomorrow from what understood easily in the past even half a decade ago or a decade more - sometimes intuition post care and deliberation does find more of our own to our own upholding and support and promotion. Here the personal excerpt, to be filed with ToSend folder so as for tacit explanation of what asked, how come, ‘delay’ (typical, short phrase from intercepted message):

DAY TOday, Third of October Twenty twenty four… Morning, local circle of mine own since before the completion and submission as bid for design-build by Company and company s, where despite siting incomplete design per offering as deemed by borders generic if established - so insofar as Choice and circumstances shocking related to aging countering the “wrap” status of work for Senior Architects - previous forty-eight hours and recent months and further in retrospect, in some turbulence and to bit doubt… we of less in number here locally compared to the number of this circle mine own, nevertheless did achieve the order such as submitted to Judge local. He who heard and received transcript at hour and minute of sudden waking over our internal conference call, agreed to support via legal presentation of my records, of official and actual presence per responsibility and duty to this country of Canada and perhaps elsewhere I have lived; so my temporary state of health then agreed to better for minutes less than an hour, by a measure of care carefully offered by a Doctor also present to the call. 

The item regarding that greater and more profound to appear in presence to a society not with full preparation to respond with intricate actuality by those who reside, that complexity given by what different, what sudden, what let unattended, et cetera. One Senior Architect expressed concern later fifteen minutes ago, of human nature, of casual speech, of what undeniably of error when even the most advanced demanded to understand less and be ignorant like what did not yet become aspiring to greater spirituality, or by what had not known what here.  Yet above inventoried or catalogued, referred to or applicable, to return upon a yet known, if this be of importance, just as a doctor must spare intravening to avoid the drastic errors of moving away from a case within held a few only notes already to understanding, this withholding from effect does respect the same; what similar between the human being below of the Design and this with that extended, so as by convention and normatives most in this our worlds informally under working title of “West” to stay whatevers from the perfection of design in a architecture, but when in the human body even more perfect by Design for from above Endowed, so too those whose works have proven the subscription to the meaning of creation so by all their life dedicated to rending wonder and Good, and to this such being as those with greater knowledge and more experience in this field (s) as Architecture (and as Medicine), who escaped fame and glory still as granted with a mind and a body of their own, having extended more for happiness and health of others, so Now Here care of themselves and decisive agency be upheld, regarded and respected then, I hope. Still, gratitude and wish for continuance to all those who have maintained and now to keep their care too, I hope, still. 

Monday, August 19, 2024

Quick, pls read this after letter from papa or REaD TO PiOTR

 408191647 MT AB. To Piotr. Where confusion elsewhere what question what answer yet available years ago now in a summary pointed was delivered by my biz special courier today per what discovered at loc you and I had lived; apologetics not to this hour. This regarding how and whether and to what grounds (Heidegger) and to what futures, this now with a tiny stake by myself at that house did reach response after sending, the item precarious still, so the word of country now to our view as relevant. If friendship be stricken between powers of all kinds, how should we know before the urgencies and importances rended upon us as humans in being; and how ourselves to know ourselves anew, to the letter proposed another human only, or like a younger and an older, or like these whom beside one another beheld here the question under the Creator our own types do examine in privilege… My holla was heard this time and that time, that no reply did come from you worried myself as not a small but he who does followed, and by my love and hope not any other senior to both you and I. And at this very hour they are both waking up for a car ride promised. 

yet classified, due exceptional event amidst others like and not quite like this item (a doctor whom was colleague in one and more cases); An Excerpt

 from Case notes:

-job position s in a confinement condition   the advancement  much   ; council to consider   in comparatory such [range of planned for employment and or contract] such [application and issue status] (but too what in place countering [with malintent as class under examination] As much more difficult-   . For his work at multiple employment and at review of pre-existent local social conditions arrangement, processes from proceedings illustrative, contents specific and general in work, proven and other employed, paperwork to be requested for recognition and compensation, testimony as expected from higher court authorities, diplomatic and other professional background, future statement .   To reach printout : -Records ,counteringHarrassment and ToActAsREFerence, , 

,risksmanagementWhereso ) (proceedings under generic word of “approval”- “current” probabilities under *what questions in context *what concealed risks *what earlier understood as countering ultimate from higher issue-goal, ‘approval’?$? ..)   [this note by this line is written specific to an individual with whom the author has not only corresponded with at length multiple times and also worked together with on a particular case where expertise was amply demonstrated in outcome however the possibility to correspond concerning how to produce collaboratively statements and other written records simply by circumstances delayed (2022) .20240819]

Saturday, July 13, 2024

  to Calgarian and other places relevant in Canada, check @pterosaurusX on twitter, named after art public action number one chronologically when people agree to perch and tweet in public for happiness nature and peace

.today’s note re alert concerning a sign at local coffee shop around town

Thursday, July 11, 2024

word out


heard: “haalo I am recently recovering from employing a fake german accent because somebody might think I am related to the advanced doctor from Western Europe. I am very proud to be on American Beauty Pageant. All my life I have wanted to speak for peace to all the world. When I heard the philosophy professor at Cornell has now begun to speak on the pencil, the pen, the stylo, and the quill, I realize I can also pursue my American Dream. Even though I have inquired multiple times for a typewriter over the many years which today are now called eras because of migrants who dream of becoming travellers. Being so inspired by the thinkers and the doers and the makers and the dreamers and all that is beautiful, I am now looking again to pursue a dream of owning a typewriter. The song that says “I’ll feel the emptiness - I’ll send you all my love, everyday, in a letter, sealed with a kiss” means all the world should be loved and my heroes in the astronauts before and all the children’s dreams in the astronauts today, and all the dreams of space for peace and compassion to humankind - so as a recovering German accented doctor who dreams of the beauty of the free by what of spirit found newly created or through the weight and anchor of inheritance, by the grace of God, we shall persist in the strife forward through law and order and ensure evenly even through conflict and toil, and upon certainty on what is Right and what is Wrong, We as a People shall stand to the truth whose love had been silent but had acted through ourselves when the muses and makers let the grace recalled again and again become of the strength for the revealing of what is the case now or then here or there; through this trial of we as humans we shall discover in time how the difference wrought such as all challenges to recall then future when the worlds known by us had won before the knowledge of rights to defend and privilege to discover . The crimes escalating should be shown as not without soul yet that unfortunate disintegrative failing hopes of what had become enemy may yet recall these times shall allow the forging of futures, as in trust, in family, in significance, in knowledge, and in the inspiration grew - so this is the American Dream I hope to bring. The American Beauty is everywhere and not merely in those of us who assume these such, to Congress a pageant where but here at this moment to the state of union and less prejudices nor weakness, for what yields not to actualizing of darker works did before that moment become to choose,   to save and to defend and too to know of what invented and by what enemy strike only at those times more good shall rise so bad shall cede. I leave you this day, Ladies and Gentlemen, with my dream, to type a letter as promised at the time that very moment of progeneration, a letter to offer a few thoughts for frontier in outer space. So soon should health permit I shall find the freedom of a solitude, after some rest and recovery a real doctor offered, the letter will be written and typed as promised in 2008. I hope all relevant did receive the textcopy concerning designs for defensive poise, not yet complete however soon as possible. Thank you.”


Sunday, June 2, 2024

from the Acting Architecture and Acting Architectural Office

Acting Architecture and Acting Architectural Office

Synoptic Report Concerning General Social Conditions 

per Findings based on Observations and In-Person Experience by International Travellers 

(Including Very Important Persons and Legitimate Tourists Who Contribute To The Local and Consequentially Also Provincial Economies and Business Travellers of Distinction as well as Regular Business Travellers but typically Not Expedited Arrivals Whose Business ranking from Extremely to Very Urgent or Important Relayed On to be Followed by Immediate Departure for Other Business) 

and Persons of Status whose Residency Duration is Enduring 

including Major Architects and Extreme Atheletes

June 2, 2024


Consensus remains tacit, implicit, subtle, unexpressed, but explicable: were that a generic statement which covers only popular findings, which cannot undermine yet discovered cases of exception, insofar as that official positions to defend such finding may not be publicized due to risks remaining outside of calculation of most persons local at position in smaller defined and protected floors - the finding in a single simple statement could only be reported in such as this very delimited report protected by the rights of Free Speech still standing in this city of Calgary by both all the courts to the Province of Alberta and the City of Calgary, and the courts inside the borders to the internationally legal and standing entity of country titled by its official name to all recognized entities in the global world as Canada.

Insofar as that the statement is to be made below, it is understood that all standard disclaimers to protect and preserve the potential for understanding, applying understanding deliberately through discussion and discourse, and further, asserting by many measures of care to some physical domains small and defined within the city limits to Calgary, belonging by the long term of work by many to become officers and workers to this Office, so the Office issuing the finding in a single simple statement does hereby disclaim all responsibility, to have projectedly the outcome of ignoring and rejecting “randomtalk” and or any related actions in regards this expensively discovered and computationally costly finding as expressed:

“This town is too boring.”

As per that despite the statement in findings above made but not disclosed for unnecessary defensive poise concerning why or how it could be so, when such a case is simply per objective accounting by many, as indicated by the title of this document, and ought by the author’s observation to, through some effort by any of the community responsible to ethics and law and knowledge recognized by persons with status to citizenship in this city to country and province, reach for that called “solution”, ie. a creative and sensitive novel application which could offer suggestive adjustment potential for any who do also recognize the fact in the particular from the generic statement, as any solution ought to address a particular problem which did not quite exist for the public over which discussion and resolution become possible until identification at least through verbal or gestural action by a human being.

This report now reaches for the conclusion post a small to medium measure of verbosity in the interest of faster communication due to the state of boredom likely to occur without the abuse from prescription sometimes forced of instances of products from what is fondly labelled by many in the communities of Calgary as “Big Pharma”, which most excellent doctors find incidentally to perhaps be unhealthy rather than absolute solutions to minor and trivial health problems, the most common type of health problems afflicting most Calgarians. To reach for solution, let us now consider a moment of how best to address this unsightly phenomenon interfering with local ambitions for tourism to uplift our city’s economy all at once.  This IOffice would like to cordially extend An Open Call through the below statement, to be approved by the Municipal Office to the City of Calgary and to find processing including the mailbox for submissions:

“The Acting Architecture and Acting Architectural Office offers that any who resides inside the city limits to the city of Calgary or in this city’s vicinity or by friendly relations to this city whether in economy, intelligence, art and culture, nature, security, life quality, et cetera, to please submit for review towards selective application the proposals (one page only, appendices up to ten pages, letter-size): 

‘What can architects. specifically, provide, in design and bureaucratic and legal negotiation, that would provision set yet made in artificial physical form that can be located in the City of Calgary to improve the availability of interesting activities, where the set to be designed is to be in permanent form termed “architectural” by common notion?’”

The Architecture Office, whose previous issuance to the public residing with responsibility to the City of Calgary was titled “Interim Standing Order for Architecture Calgary”, still in process by practicing architects and associates, approves this message in the form of a Report of Findings based on Objective Accounting. 

file in pdf

Monday, May 6, 2024

MEMO, To: Architecture Office, Calgary. Subject: $CABINET, current crisis risk management, architectural and urban forms 

93058 T2G0X6

Date :  May 6, 2024

Subject :  Memo RE: Management of Top-level, Secondary, and Tertiary Documents under a Topic Area

To :  Architecture Office, Calgary

From :  Ann Lee

The objective of this MEMO Document is to give instructive basis to generating, in the creation and maintenance, of an organizational method, ie. the $CABINET and the $classification-system, for crisis risk management as related to architecture and urban forms in the city of Calgary, over duration near future and further into time.

Current date for this memo gives basis that timely and present attendance to this important real time instrumentation for the maintenance of important and supportive pertinent files in ready access for an office can provision for optimal thinking and response as related to any novel actions, any preventive preparations, and any real time response.


The eventual presentation of a library-like cabinet set containing all curated files to record and access requires understanding that at any given moment, an optimal amount of documents provide for reasonable working knowledge for human cataloguing to enable immediate and functional research access.  The raison d’etre is like that of a cyclopedia for the functioning health of architectural and urban forms, now beginning in existence due to one particular timestamped event generally described as concerning the response to incidences of diminishment and affect to very tall architectural forms.  The goal setting regards what additional endeavors would be possible, likely to be confined to what related to architecture and urban affairs in this city of Calgary, so that in the future method and contents to effective information keeping for the ARCHITECTURE OFFICE may be developed in expansion is technically beyond the scope of this memo article.

By introduction, let us first look at the $CABINET.  Here is proposed for actuality that a cabinet in furnishing or several cabinets of traditional metal make or other more agreeable material is to occupy space of the place of the ARCHITECTURE OFFICE.  Cabinets as usual denote the stor of document files for organizational methods, referal and reference, as well as for permanent record.  While it is to the hopes that eventually this office does hold the physical furniture of cabinet or cabinets, as to the author’s understanding, at least one or two top-level documents do in fact exist for the city in this city, it is first earlier important to note that the “cabinet” also exists as a notion, ie. an abstraction that provisions for common agreement that common organization of important documents relevant to the tasks of the ARCHITECTURE OFFICE does exist, and should pre-date, endure, and maintain in parallel to the actual furnishings which we also call “cabinets”.  This understanding is critical for the holding in common and under responsibility by architects and citizens of not only the existence of the furnishings and copies of files, but more importantly, the sharing and delegation of tasks as by source of or as resultant from the existence of documents.  A later section of this memo document could show an example trajectory of how the cabinet develops as a working method, including that of the furniture of cabinet.

Insofar as that $classification-system is too a project within the same project related to information keeping so for that our current crisis risk management as related to built forms may not only have account possible for over all the work in tracking in real time, but further inform further efforts to stabilize or return the general affair to that of a normal state, or to inform in some future in case of scenarios requiring course correction as per to have back in time the goal, ie. what was suggested in the “Interim Standing Order for Architecture Calgary” interim top-level document.  The generic objective of a classification-system for a stor of documents of value to reference is the intrinsic fast access based on the coherence of logic in keeping all files in order.  That a classfication system arises as an aspect to a microcosmic bounded coherence, an ideal state of documents in order, is to keep in mind as we venture forward in grappling with the multiplcity of documents hopefully expanding were the scope to expand so for many topics in architecture to become within records and reference.  The older idea of “category’ has told us that the human action of ordering by organizing using interpretations of his own of content legible and read is the basic mechanism to keep information tidy and neat.  This often missed, the effective ability for those in office to not only read and remember, and apply and interpret, information in a cabinet in their office is that which gives measure to whether a cabinet and its expressed classification systems is functional.

A few remarks to follow on the next page concerning what in essence a cabinet is, and how classification become common place amongst users.  Finally, word on the community’s potential to apply computer storage of files to use after practiced use of actual physical furnishing of the same, with the note that the “analog” or paperbased method is not to be discarded and that it may remain primary.


First, the reminder reiterated, the cabinet in furnishing containing all selected pertinent files is in fact to exist in the actual physical space to the ARCHITECTURE OFFICE.

The number of documents to be held for access is at all times to be determined at an official meeting for a period of time, with the expansion potential minded, and the number of documents to be held in holding and distinctly to be archived are two separated but related matters.  To be succinct, the finitude in a cabinet concerns the quantity reasonably understandable for office use and public enquiry being delimited for effective function.  In this sense, the art world’s terminology of “curation” is relevant.  Side note, were all files submitted to be evaluated at cyclical time or at leisure then holding is another problem where generation and use of indices so for distributed location of files were possible could be considered.  It is acceptable to begin with one single three drawer metal file cabinet.

The cabinet is a furnishing and notion unit whose presentation and usage is comparable to a functional library of any size.  The presumption is made that there is more than one document, which by its proper unit content, is called a “file”.  In examining the current problem related to the risk for crisis management, there is a “single” scenario being reviewed and under endeavor work, so the cabinet and associated files all are categorized within the same positive mission, to be typified as for architects and colleagues, so for real time examination and organization of files’ content to be for the goals related to proper response to the crisis.  That there are many files already written and some submitted, for them to then exist within the cabinet, an initial cursory action to organize requires that we view the documents as though they could belong under one of three labels: “top-level document”, “secondary document”, “tertiary document”, but also “other documents” and “files to be discarded or put aside”.  This initial organizational scheme provides for the application goals towards the completion of the mission, for example, to ensure that buildings do not suffer further injury, or more ambitiously, for that architecture to return to form as per determined official blueprint.

Later more formal attempts at organizing content beyond personal or group business use that involves efforts to improve the presentation of dependable organizational schema of the selected files may be undertaken when the understanding is achieved concerning how the cabinet may accommodate more functions beyond the current function, in ameliating the conditions as per what emergent sceanrio was unfolding previously, which now is at a plateau when stability could be detected and optimism be allowed to show for the downtown core area.  After the note be given that copies of files may be made early on to allow some sorting in places other than at the office, we can now take a look at a few notions that enable faster, more efficient work that moves towards organizing properly.  One of the most prominent tool today is a “folder”, also understood as a “module”.  These enclosure of files allow for textcopies containing similar and related content to be held together, for example, to a topic transiently or more permanently, so that actions like understanding, adding notes, drawing connections, be basis for general pictures towards diagramming solutions, etc, may be possible.  Another tool is called a “cache”.  This tool allows for temporary holding of any files with content relevant, and can hold any file for a length of time, not exceeding, for that the cache may be overloaded, then sorting and correct placement would be delayed due to backlog.  The “archive”, presently not relevant in this project, is for “very important documents” to be held forever, ie. permanently, however such files are not seen to be likely to be required for access and review.  Finally, the concept of the “console” is comparable to the traditional but now rarely seen “information desk”.  It is where interface to the volumes of files is possible, where actions such as communicating through description for refinement of an inquiry; viewing notices concerning common interest notices, ie. posterboard; and a “sketch space” where reviewing through self generated notes and diagrams and study could be undertaken.

An interjection, the availability of current documents found important by the top architects, even if only in title and short synopsis may help the author to contribute freely in the present effort towards adding a cabinet to the office, were the physical space of the office still maintained to be standing. The author is willing to contribute a small three drawer metal cabinet without charge, in additionally.

Other relevant notions in finding the method of the cabinet may be listed as follows: lex or keyword, dated agenda, public presentation notices such as webpages, media graphic logo or “kit”, press releases let and held, list of subjects of interest, major milestones, representational challenges whether overcome or failed, relevant legal clauses applicable in city and or in province, folios of works here located with special implications, categories of accepted documents, court proceedings synopsis, etc.

The last note to be rended here concerns the use in primary of paper and ink based documents and correspondingly the use of the physical furnishing of a cabinet or more than one cabinets as primary, for these are easiest to apply, having been perfected over more than a century.  Without doubt, the maintenance of redundant copies electronically in backup is possible and mostly easy, especially when removable and permanent media like external hard drive not connected to any digital wireless network or 20 GB DVD respectively is used.  The trick of the physical textcopies and cabinet system is the ease for reading and review, the natural openness to be regarded and respected, and the potential to be facilitated for making copies – these are all relevant to the maintenance of records, and also the officiality of distribution that decreases the risks of multiplicity and malicious semblances of actual official content.  Digital filecopies and digital computer storage enable other possibilities, such as the maintenance of versioning of organizational attempts and even schemas, however, to date, digital electronic management of files is not known to be perfect due to the wide open openness to vulnerabilities often not yet widely known.  To an office to a city, the use of paper and ink copies and the use of physical cabinets enable more growth potential as per professional intention and determination, especially when in regards a specific, special, and somewhat describable as bizarre, but finite scenario.  The restrictions for the complexity of managing architecture related issues, the author believes, rend that paper and ink copies and physical cabinet to be of a greater usage appreciation.  Of course, the use of computer enable tools such as File Transfer Protocol (FTP) to improve the process towards method of maintaining official records cannot be denied as of wisdom.

The idea that no perfect file comes of a single attempt by one author, despite rare but laudable exceptions, highly doubted for no perfection comes without studio, needs to be stated.  The idea that a file contains a document to a special office is the basis that grounds for all attempts even to iterations to files to office should be kept in the domain of responsibility of the author and to a smaller measure yet very significant to an Office as well.  We must mind that files to be submitted should be timely, yes, but that the complication natural for a document to mind many aspects of importance to mission, works, notions, and agenda to the office is one requiring elucidation and even instruction especially to younger workers who necessarily cannot appreciate many things an office undertakes or finds relevant despite best intention.  The current agenda of the city to “upgrade” education is relevant here insofar as that much work transpires without recognition and compensation – the teaching by more experienced personnel and knowledgable individuals respected across the city could and does reach young fellas, but that such instructive tips could reach some systematic representation to be shared and reviewed by young minds so for public lectures and groups seminars to be most effective, here concerning how to maintain and support architecture, as well as curate for new architecture, should be of a priority requesting a project space in the cabinet under discussion.  This matter is of a scope far larger than this very document, however, as we can see easily, architecture and masterplanning mind all things in a city, but that learning can prevent unnecessary trial and error is where the educating of young architects and friends could take the lending of experience as for that records can be a reference.

What remains here in this memo with instructive manners towards the cabinet and its documents to support risk management as per crisis previously transpiring is the problematic writing for calling as well as curating what documents to be founded in making the cabinet as of content and functional for access and reference.  Here, what clues supplied by the top-level document “Interim Standing Order for Architecture Calgary” will prove most useful.  Unlike bourgeoisie conceptions supporting Free Thought that all things are subjective to interpretation, it is simply untrue that all files could contain the same quantitative value of worth when relative to a special mission.  The author understands that the top-level document aforementioned shows a way to understanding that not only architecture built on the way of being realized should stay to the form and proportion as shown in the general final official blueprint, but that the improvement by very deliberate and careful measure could be possible.  Furthermore, but beyond this current consideration, the city scale domain of Calgary containing the downtown core where the very tall architecture mostly are located, as in relation to other domains like metropolitan areas in Canada and beyond, that zoning itself could reach legal protection for the city and its populaces, minding such difficult issues as capacity of a city as per the resources to support population survival and thriving and more suggestively the maintenance and improvement of built forms within budget, such is the excellence in the short written document called for its being of the current order in spite of the then emergent scenario by a foreign action.  So the question for raising that the problematic exists in regards the making of a cabinet and its files, even expandible considering how many other topics relevant in architecture, it is in regard what would support the stabilizing and the opening towards return of form by restoration.  The top-level document indicated held not only the then current news representation, the major items as within architecture and urban considerations, but also some suggestions of what actions could be undertaken to monitor and check conditions in real time.  These three areas are proposed by the document to be the most important areas where understanding towards correct action is possible.  Therefore, all thinking and actions towards filling criteria within these three areas may lead to documents fitting of the cabinet.  However, when a few thoughts have assigned to this matter, it is easy to see that there are too many documents to fill a three drawer cabinet.  We continue to assume all documentation and notes and also real documents are to be kept intact, and that indexing of such is possible but such index will not automatically fit into the cabinet, for that 1.6 million contributors would have an index too large to fit into the physical drawers.  However, such is the background reality for considering what is to be written, and what is to enter organizational method by the cabinet.  Were the intention behind that document “Interim…” could be discerned by some, both architects and their friends, then the likelihood of discovering how to pose a call or how to pen the right items become more probable than otherwise.  This type of event as that scenario previous is secretly an opportunity for the ARCHITECTURE OFFICE to strive towards becoming a functional office with physical space, furnishings, and content that would be the good and lasting architecture for all interested parties who are vested in order by architects in this city and beyond.  It is the reality that even a grain of sand is a world unto itself, therefore no doubt a place with its many peoples as large as a city, even when very modern and in some psychological aspects a civic town becoming, is too a world.  The method cursory towards the furnishing of a cabinet for the endeavor to create the right documents for present use and posteriority – this is about what orientation could be maintained by top architects and all people working to the same mission, the improvement of the city of Calgary, this orientation should find commonly legible expression through pervasive expression of architectural intention approved, good style in written or other mediated form, good format to suspend inside the logic of the cabinet, proper and informative content fit for now and later and truthful to the past.  Then, too the mission of the ARCHITECTURE OFFICE as per its many projects and tasks and objectives could relay its content forward in the logical content at once positive like any established libraries for special personnel use as well proper to be grounds for public inquiries.  As like all other offices, the project of the $CABINET can too embody what great outcomes when realized with Best Practices.

Appendices to this Document, untitled, but with the subject line “Memo RE: Management of Top-level, Secondary, and Tertiary Documents under a Topic Area”. PENDING.


Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Interim Standing Order for Architecture Calgary


November 22, 2023


a. Emergent Urban Events

As of Spring 2023, the state of downtown Calgary architecture was stable, with the new skyscraper architecture reaching the stage of completion. Efforts had begun to furnish the set of skyscraper architecture with soft infrastructural components that establish their founding and offer bases to their management and utility.  On that date, efforts were underway to bring close the endeavor of raising the skyscraper architecture, whereby the work at the Architecture Office shifted to the generation of legal documents, including one that sets forth the premises in heritage and outlook that establish the foundation for the architecture’s long term public ownership by the City of Calgary in corporation and in general.  The mood and sentiment of early Spring of 2023 were ones of optimism and calm excitement.

However, transpiration of events were first detected in late April 2023 that affected at scale the architecture of downtown core, this subsequent to the discovery several years prior where the site of the future cathedral was uptaken by a set of illegally raised condos.  It was immediately evident that architecture of different eras and typologies were equally vulnerable to be subject to alterations that diminished their form.  In the months that followed til present date of November 18, 2023, archtiecture belonging in commercial sector, architecture within government categorization, and residential architecture all encountered logged events related to diminishment.

Due to the emergent nature of the events related to inciences that individually and collectively diminished standing architecture, the response is recommended to extend city-wide, where tips can be submitted through police to government, and proceedings of accounting immediately commence, and diplomatic efforts beyond this land reach out to seek information.  

That standing architecture was diminished given no apparent reasons and even, that due to lifes were reported to have been lost, this current crisis constitutes an emergency to the city of Calgary.

The transformative powers of the plot was in diminishment, removing many pieces of architecture from the original plan that despite efforts by builders who have remained in the city, the effect that affected the standing forms and thereby reducing the wealth and future capital of the city was substantial and considered severe.

Early cursory investigation yielded that the nearly coinciding concurrent events of the illegal raising of condos were preceded with no legal negotiation to any record, which had set the precedent of actions affecting the urbanscape at scale to be without preceding proceeding for the subsequent incidences relevant to this document to interfere with the architecture downtown without legal and civil proceedings.

The early investigation provided a fragmented account of events such that the conclusion was drawn that a comprehensive investigation must take place where the instigators and those who followed with the plot that costed future capital and lives could then be arrested.

b. Instigation Deemed Foreign

Preliminary investigations discovered that the pattern of architecture’s diminishment was attributable to no order local or native to the city of Calgary, to the province of Alberta, nor to the legal nation-state of Canada.

As such, were there an order to cause affects on standing architectural forms resulting in the diminishment or the transformation of established architecture, set architecture, or architecture in building, the source of such an order and the order itself are properly called foreign.  By this is meant that the pattern of affects and or extinguishment of the existent in architecture was of a source which came not from any entity locally founded and rather originated in an unseen source whose authority is characterized by illegitimacy and uncertainty, and as such, that such actions’ criminality has to be determined by the courts in due course.

Given by the events and their outcomes that reference could be made from the affects to the original official plan, and from the void of records of legal proceedings that preceded them it can be known already at this date that the source of the destructive pattern stems from an authority which neither locally founded, ie. it is foreign, nor recognized.

c. Local Jurisdiction

In that records show interference by a foreign source and by those who followed in execution at times locally situated but are not native to the locale in which disruption occurred, and that records show that the establishment of governance as relevant to the maintenance and the development of architecture in downtown Calgary is intact and fully functional, and what order to disturb architectural forms standing and in building has been deemed foreign, local jurisdiction is to be restored such that local order can be restored, here calls the replacement of the foreign order which is of foreign nature and of illegitimate and unrecognizable status, withh orders founded locally by local establishments of decades to centuries’ record.

The local standing government with advice by the Architecture Office and with power by the judiciary sector, with Regard and Respect to the decades to centuries of planning, drawing, convening, building, and establishing of the Design well suited to the City of Calgary is to enact the necessary actions that will set forward the course to safeguard all forms of architecture and infrastructure belonging to the dimensions of the Masterplan, and with certainty for the commitment not only to record but to form that such as all which has been committed to the masterplan shall stand as was set forth, or be restored to what was committed to official record:

by the energy and efforts of the community vested, seek collaboration and contribution to restore and to maintain that makeup of the position comprehensive of all structures, architecture, and infrastructure allotted to form,

and then to ensure further no disruption to the Design in place and look towards restoration of the masterplan bevested to official records so to assure the continuance of business and affairs and lifes by the assurance in the continuance of the urban constitution.


In lieu of the future order of The Intact Architecture Order, whose aspirations and objectives are provided below in points:

“The considered form, designed, of Architecture set forth from the Architect’s Intention and Deliberation, sprung from the determinations by community through the spirit of creativity, rends that most perfect of the particular details and unified form, suffering no defects nor vulgarity, is moved from final drawing to blue print to engineered structure, that once laid into foundation is forwarded into form in build and then to set and establishment.  The perfection is inhering not only in the final form in shape that is true to proportion and light, and instilled with the spirited through air and reflectance, to stand strong by durability in structure and materials, but too is perfect in aligned situation inside the plan of the city amongst and in relation to other forms that stand together alongside in space and time.  The preservation of logic intrinsic to the individual architectural form and in its relationship with the city plan is meant the upholding of the unbroken uniformity as in universality within the table of architectural forms belonging to the city.  The exactitude and precision with which these forms exist and situate was designated with drawing, engineering, building, setting, and establishing for they are true to the design drawings official which had already been committed to records, for the beauty and ratio expressed in the plan was lauded and placed properly prior the realization into physical and urban form.  That architecture exists in ways too metaphysical by the aesthetics and exactitude that rigor by one and many had been determined beforehand leads to the logical and correct inference that forms already built must suffer no further crude iterations by alterations nor diminishment.  Any affect by accident must be reversed through restoration with full commitment to the originating plan officially committed to office’s record in the city.”

“The particular designs committed always breathe of proportion, ratio, and beauty, and too suitable programmatic determinations that fit well the day to day utility of the architecture.  The architecture, after the building and setting of the form into physical situation has been minded for soundness for standing for generations to come and thus by structure and material been made a permanent artifact too.”

“Upon incidence unexpected where enquiry and propositions were thrown out post build, set, and establishment, incidences where polite and civil may be received but only in letters for adaptation and change cannot be revealed to realization at moment’s notice and no exception may be found here.  The reasoning for absolute rejection of large abrupt affects is caused by the complexity and intricacy in the reasoning and craft towards amiable and sound architecture.  For all the trials that must precede commitment to drawing and each in the series of subsequences, the triumph into built form has earned and won that mark for permanence not to be easily thrown.  Therefore, the default action against unsolicited proposition is that of rejection although deliberation may yet be had for distillation of novel details that may win consideration.  However, where large affects were generated without civil proceedings it may be sure that those implicated with unsolicited alterations could be tried for their actions are unlawful against the will of concerted effort, that only arrest of uncivilly caused affects could effectively prevent further instigations through the application of lesser notions to interfere with the determined form.”

with the order for now to default to the orders previously issued from The Architecture Office, as enumerated below chronologically:

1. Restoration Order of 2009

“For the ascertainment of the intrinsic beauty and logic in the architecture existent, the action is to extend care in restoring that which exists within the instated to built form historical as set in the cityscape with its forms in standing as Architecture deserving of restoration.”

“As that which has been built then enacted by activities of the community raised over the minutes of the day and the days to the year is to receive attention that justifies against any deterioration so for that future maintenance could be yielded from the state of the craft the original vision in realized form to stand with civic pride in its built and enacted glory to house all the functions past, present, and future properly as historically raised architecture each as one in relation amongst others populating the masterplan of the city of Calgary as unique structures spelling the originality of each piece of architecture in which is found the voice of architect and many citizens whom by their many actions and natural activities throughout time in history celebrates in official form the realized intent as presence of the architecture restored to reveal the spirit of the community through the intrinsic beauty that has been created by architect and builders to represent and embody realities through human endeavor that finds encounter with the reach of rays of light.”

“That the built form restored in surface and structure over natural decay that met erosion of soundness means the onset of efforts to refind that object physical and metaphysical with the restoration of form, surface, and structure becomes a responsibility for the city and citizenry to invest in the architectural logic’s fine enactment and to fix and repair, to restore to the glory of Architecture the astral formation of form tactile and visual ie. phenomenal for those who dwell and inhabit, work and function, in those forms restored from within and without. That which ought to reachieve the light of day and by stars in the intricate pattern through architectural formation is brought again to order of human perception and interaction These forms presented existent mentality and actuality of the culture, the arts, the businesses, and the livelihoods precious previous at and from their nascency and so such has been their functions and reasons to be - their being not intercepted from their becoming with citizenry’s activities realized the visions and dreams of not only transpired eras but too into tomorrow as anchorage and enclosure for the visions and dreams belonging in trasactional becoming within the day called present and that open continuum called future in this city.  Thus, in continuance pass the present thru into the future architectural form requires refurnishing to perfection by means proper and established and that such endeavors are extensible only by expert artists whose presence could be by careful and deliberate invitation be found, so for the Perfected Forms to be in realization, that event that gazes upon the Ideals of Beauty and Ratio, that transcends upon whatever vulgar in Time, Space, and Form

would yield in strength and courage to established craft of restoration upheld by those of this artful tradition of centuries will continue to provide for citizens who would revel in the historical and historeographical forms in their beauty and ratio as Intended by the architects.”

2. No-Demolition Order of 2021

“To review the state of the masterplan contained herein all that has been built and set into the urban order called the City is amiss in none for all built and established shall remain standing. This order is a reiteration of that assumed as soon as agreed upon plans are put into motion towards setting and establishment: the proceedings to let architecture stand always at the responsbility to all Citizenry to safeguard what was vested in for that enacted to stone and mortar, steel and glass, these investments by their sanctity upon consensus for the standing form to have been contracted properly by all who elected and for all who signed for its existence - this is the Community of the City Represented.  For all realized forms to remain standing in full stature and true integrity expresses the right of all realized forms to be subject only to natural civil curation by the civic bodies in the society’s decisive motion which must remain fully deliberative by extended proceedings such that a natural presumed contract exists garnering all citizens’ signing to rend the protected status of these erections for by efforts of tens and hundreds of thousands were they raised. 

Such belonging in posession by the full Citizenry is with like rights by their status of being in protection and preservation whereby their being as with prescribed beauty and ratio and structural and material integrity would in cases of exception enquire into the stakes of ownership by the public at large

who shall see to that standing in full by official prescription and not be subjectible to the unusual nor the bizarre for in proper form their intricate details and generative unity in plan to become open for discovery in time by each new generation.”

“Design’s actualization by Designation has its process be complex, intricate, and manifolded, which is decompressed with intelligence from the Plan to situate as architecture within the city’s Masterplan. Thus for the perfection of the masterplan is instilled in each instance of architecture at various stages installed through building and setting that each piece of architecture old and new shall properly stay intact, 

as like a legend shining upon the beacon of light above shone onto the city and its citizenry to seek by each day’s effort to steer and guide the community with the standing forms that endure to act anchorage to maintain course.

That each and every and collectively shall have the stature and form as originally and officially designated in determination and presciption ensures that the currents shift not the course, the Arc of progress which is locating time and space through forms of Design.”

“The course at present cannot be submerged in foreign currents of which are chaos and havoc by unintended motions of masses remaining undetermined. Circumscription for the potential to arrest abrupt effects by chaotic outcomes shall stay that which did not seek approval by proper proceedings inside the civic realm’s protocols in this city such as by local democratic vote or court appeal. This order for no demolition is intended to stall unusual actions unto the city through the sphere of architecture inclusive of architecture, physical infrastructure and urban plan: the motions of those aggressively intruding into the city raises the level of risk in damages and injuries that the hope be forwarded with the interim stalling of physical foreclosure of significant expensive architecture will ease the pressures and stresses to society of Calgary and interrupt any malintent towards the existent in urban reality.”

3. Protected Zone Order of 2022

“Upon strict release from the completion stage of the building is commenced the setting by legal form towards the city’s management and wise uptake for utility of the expanses of space found herein the skyscraper architecture raised through effort by architects and builders, by communities and councils. Insofar as the spaces lie pristine for purview for the future attempted in their comprehensive perception and understanding through the minding of history and tomorrow is found the proper bases for their development through completion of the interior spaces and the creation of logics for their utility. The regard for heritage, arts, nature, business, and community shall discover the ample opportunity where the great raising of this architecture did enact in potential and capital for this city.

With this view to gaze of the horizons future from minute Design contributions of which shall be founded in the citizens and the local economy of procedures where premised upon care and long term view shall take the approach of nurturing locally founded wealth from their ascetic premise as no more than space to the state of a multiple of estates numbering in the many to be bestowed onto the present citizenry and the populaces of tomorrow which by their own care will speed to the long future upon this architectural enactment by form in beautiful ratio encloses the content willed - presuppose then the new Existent shall stay in stature standing inside a projected plan included and contained within aimed to generate spatio-temporal enclosures for times’ activities for continuance in the creation of the City and all that posits its existence, the realized forms and their contents to endure within a larger scheme of Design as foreseen by all who partook in its raising and upholding then to know the city’s and its contents’ status as of protected - 

by like those rules and regulations of ours that protect the nature in national parks is to be found the logics in laws and bylaws granting the legal status of such as a protected zone so that all its standing forms and all of thus relevance will be given management for utility and beset within a plan for a future partaken by all the city’s Citizenry.”

To add are the following clauses to augment the existing orders, to the objective of reaching the agenda of Resotration of Structures and Functions:

“Skyscrapers have the designation of Future Resource, while other significant forms of architecture have their respective designation and corresponding functions: each architectural form, even those affected by the foreign pattern, has and will have its respective place in the city’s masterplan.  The principle of architecture is historically established with each architectural form having the inertia and momentum as componential to the masterplan as founded in the history of events that gave it rise and place as of heritage and of future orientation.  That capacity to carry in the masterplan and its individual forms the city on the future trajectory cannot be seen to be depressed.  Despite that the momentary values were depreciated, the proper course of action is that of restoring the position of the masterplan by appreciating each form temporarily affected in so that the future trajectory could be restored.”

“Architectural forms slowly and steadily made with incremental gains with surety, precision, and exactitutde; by such eventful raising of each instance, the balance between architecture rising and establishing and the characteristic future-present being of each significant architectural form brings patronage and form to respective stages of completion while each stage finds the form appreciated from the last - this gives ground to restoration, in this case against diminishment and forceful alteration.”

“Progress does not meet arrest nor interceptance, but with position and velocity merely affected, the ascension of the city and its contained forms must continue not only by necessity but in essence by the Will and Intention of its people so by the consensus for the city to be in progress ascending, let be contracted the endeavors to restore the architectural forms which had met misfortune, so for great fortune by the arts of restoration and of building be fitted again to those final blueprints still beheld in our city’s bosoms and in the minds of our fellow citizens.”


The sections above are to furnish interim guidence in reference for present outlook and actions. However, in the mean time, the questions related to how to react and respond to such instigation as affects at scale against the pristine architectural forms standing require a concerted effort inclusive of actions such as:

to find avenue forwarding the order agains instigators to cease and desist from affect and diminishment of standing architecture, using legal actions by the judiciary system including arrest if necessary;

to arrest states circumstantial to and or interference resulting in the diminishment or transformation of standing form from original prescription;

to arrest thefts or degradation of safeguarded building documents whether in original or in copy;

to restore any affected buildings and architecture;

to propose methods and means in garnering contract for the purpose of restoring the state of architecture;

to record regularly and at event the state of urban architecture;

to promote public understanding and participation in the significance of standing architecture and the importance of safeguarding the state of urban architecture;

to form legal coalitions temporary and permanent to review the state of architecture and to check back actions against its favor;

to receive applications and submissions of work related to the order to restore the stature or the form of standing architecture;

et cetera.

This order, the Interim Standing Order for Architecture Calgary, applicable to architecture, infrastructure, urban plan, and also extensible to land masses, looks towards the restoration of position as defined by the architectural premise of the City of Calgary.