Wednesday, April 13, 2022

memo to builders: Meeting Space

The quick movement and fine adjustment by a crew composed of teams that take care of many items in a city carefully and precisely for the conditions to build to be of readiness is of no small matter.  As such, the requirements for compensation, benefits, security, and trust call for a united front as is traditional to many lineages of professional service.  The time has come for us to bring organization within up to level with the level of organization we express without.  Only with the regular and persistent effort does our own well being begin to be of interest and concern for those to whom we provide service.  It is required that the complex society we are consisted of be brought to such concentration as to reach representation in the public society.  Here I list the items of priority today and immediately:

1. towards a united front through internal communication

2. arrive at agreement of minimum optimal requirements such as health benefits, police communication, protection by law, credit for work, proper financial and other compensation, proper invitation to inspect prospect of work, public recognition of the extraordinary craftmanship and masterwork, retirement plan

3. arrive at agreement of procedures of accounting and keeping accounts

4. be poised towards representation in internal governance and external public communication

5. understand the value of negotiation power

To begin, we must picture internal governance as already ongoing.  While we are not seeking to institutionalize our internal affairs, we must mind and recognize good work done on this vein.  Although our numbers are not great, we are a complex society in and of itself.

To prepare for building trust with community, there is a need immediately for a formal meeting space where we can discuss and prepare some grounds for presenting that united front.  Arriving at a united front is beneficial because then there is greater negotiation power.  It is a secret that our excellent works have not been recognized, and proper compensation including protection have been rended in limited amounts.  It is impossible for the community to assist and recognize our continuing efforts if we are not entirely proactive about reaching the level of civil discussion. 

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