Monday, June 13, 2022

Memo to builders: meetings agenda(s)

 It is with good fortune that reinforcement can be found in the communities where we have built, but too in return something has been given as well as not yet returned.  For the sakes of future endeavors, it is important to work out how to keep accounts and maintain those books for the various adjustments and contributions so much effort is given to.  Such is a task we must lay grounds out towards, as nothing is built in a day, so no books is ever written in an hour.  But that so much is done, at the very least, the most significant or important works must be recorded in books and accounted for, not just for our presence of mind today, but also to have records for our endeavors tomorrow.  

We are fortunate to be building in an advanced society.  There are many benefits and amenities afforded to everyday citizens of this society.  Of this pool of resources there is the opportunity to inquire and request because we have been living and working in this society for a substantial period of time.  Of such I want to draw particular attention to health benefits and retirement security.  Since we projectively see that our work will continue to find sites in Canada for the immediate as well as further future (remember not everyone think in the long duration as in this industry), and since we have rightly established through our works in the past, we are too entitled to these benefits and amenities.  Having the ability to see a qualified doctor for advice and more is a right and privilege earned, and such we have earned.  Books and a united front will serve to assist us in securing the rights we rightly earned.

In meetings of the near future, the following are items belonging on the agenda, not necessarily in order:

1. selectively inventory work rended and objects made - include professional works, secondary works, social works, legal or police related, and any additional items

2. finding acknowledgment and receipt for records of work rended and objects made from the community - provide opportunities for accounting of their respective value, whether monetary or through description/qualification

3. documenting works and objects for a folio or the "official book" - if any receipt is collected, include copies

4. acknowledge preparations for future building by government and groups, and note our own preparations

5. planning for our own well being in preparation for future locations where we are building

6. whether there is interest within the team in finer building work for interiors in Calgary as we reach the long completion stage of the skyscrapers and or educating younger generations concerning the trade

7. any and all outstanding criminal matters including those implicating us as injured parties in the last ten years requiring the attention and records by police local or otherwise

The outline above consists of many items and the first thing to attend to is the "how."  How is any of it to be worked?  Is implicit bookkeeping enough or is there a need for explicit records.  If the latter, then perhaps further meetings concerning each one item will be required to establish some common grounds and objectives which will prove functional towards expressed records.

Minutes of each meeting should be kept wherever possible.