Monday, August 19, 2024

Quick, pls read this after letter from papa or REaD TO PiOTR

 408191647 MT AB. To Piotr. Where confusion elsewhere what question what answer yet available years ago now in a summary pointed was delivered by my biz special courier today per what discovered at loc you and I had lived; apologetics not to this hour. This regarding how and whether and to what grounds (Heidegger) and to what futures, this now with a tiny stake by myself at that house did reach response after sending, the item precarious still, so the word of country now to our view as relevant. If friendship be stricken between powers of all kinds, how should we know before the urgencies and importances rended upon us as humans in being; and how ourselves to know ourselves anew, to the letter proposed another human only, or like a younger and an older, or like these whom beside one another beheld here the question under the Creator our own types do examine in privilege… My holla was heard this time and that time, that no reply did come from you worried myself as not a small but he who does followed, and by my love and hope not any other senior to both you and I. And at this very hour they are both waking up for a car ride promised. 

yet classified, due exceptional event amidst others like and not quite like this item (a doctor whom was colleague in one and more cases); An Excerpt

 from Case notes:

-job position s in a confinement condition   the advancement  much   ; council to consider   in comparatory such [range of planned for employment and or contract] such [application and issue status] (but too what in place countering [with malintent as class under examination] As much more difficult-   . For his work at multiple employment and at review of pre-existent local social conditions arrangement, processes from proceedings illustrative, contents specific and general in work, proven and other employed, paperwork to be requested for recognition and compensation, testimony as expected from higher court authorities, diplomatic and other professional background, future statement .   To reach printout : -Records ,counteringHarrassment and ToActAsREFerence, , 

,risksmanagementWhereso ) (proceedings under generic word of “approval”- “current” probabilities under *what questions in context *what concealed risks *what earlier understood as countering ultimate from higher issue-goal, ‘approval’?$? ..)   [this note by this line is written specific to an individual with whom the author has not only corresponded with at length multiple times and also worked together with on a particular case where expertise was amply demonstrated in outcome however the possibility to correspond concerning how to produce collaboratively statements and other written records simply by circumstances delayed (2022) .20240819]