Saturday, April 30, 2022

Greeny economy

 From a distance from our communities logics are in arrangement to seek out the points of contention worthwhile of consideration and debate so we shift to informing stabler societies and safer communities.  The acts seem to come from nowhere and land quickly onto media though not into our consciousness.  We have no idea when the motions seemingly so slow in motion will arrive to be in effect.  Yet, they do, sometimes.  That they are apparently able to see the larger picture and see the greater concerns is a bonus for us.  It matters less what they find sufficient for themselves, though if they are exemplary, they could be models and our friends if our reciprocal support be given.  Where they have lent us their understandings, they have made a positive contribution which should not be forgotten.

There are some such associations and organizations or organizings in occurring which bear the mark of understanding, of advising, of granting, of resolving, of et cetera.  To note which ones may be to draw to them attention undesirable due to the difficulties of conserving energy and resources where affairs of priority are complex and near impossible.  One of the causes examined and taken for consideration is the care and health of the earth: in climatic and geological stability and in the health of the earth's greeneries and animals and creatures.  The push towards noninterventionism towards the earth, the safe-guarding of earth's health, and industries that support renewable energy efficiency - the move for rejuvenated economies that takes our newfound purpose in earth's well being as its reason to be, it has realized initiatives, with objectives and beginnings to plans and policies as well as taxes in some places.

These are the initial moves on the political stage because our activists had brought the matter into the forefront in the political sphere.  Objectives and plans are directive-like and are considered top-down measures, leading to policies which often act as guidelines.  They presuppose correctly the ongoing generation of the new economies which are green, whether primarily as in the field of sustainable energy industries, or secondarily as in fields that cut carbon emissions.  Due to the large-scale and distributed nature of the fields of economy including the productive industries, the large domain and manifold actualities constitute what is apparently the base upon which policies and other top-down-like measures act.  This base is that which must rise.

Although the complexities of the generation of industries cannot be comprehended in a generic synopsis, a few words could be said about the rising of economies especially in the nascent stage.

The collection of capital is one way to start up.  The recognition of there being common wealth in the principle whatever being held by the earth is another.  What was given by the objectives, plans, and policies are the information oriented by the purpose deemed to be common for us to work out in our particular enterprises.  To enact the basis is as to make the preparation, as for the green economy, or as for unusual states of exception, or as for general economic growth through the growth of industries.

The notion of collecting capital is essentially the idea of gathering resources in the action of creating and motioning forward the enterprise, in each case or in a collective effort.  Information, talent, technology, currencies, and resources - these are all matters contributive to the general principle which could be casually called "capital" in addition to monies or money-derivatives.  Money-derivatives like funds or bonds may not be derivatives at all, but rather are marked to translate motion towards the gathering of other sorts contributive to the general principle or to activities adding to the motion towards the bettering direction.  That resources are matter found, technology are means made, talent are experts housed, information is data converted, and currencies are built should need not be mentioned.  

Capital is kept not only for holding and for actions by the enterprise but also for reinvestment.  As information held by an enterprise can be relayed to other enterprises, especially those in related fields of work, so too can currencies be relayed into smaller enterprises or other enterprises, or technology lent to another endeavor, et cetera.  In reinvesting carefully inside the green industries and related enterprises is the way that the economy grows and becomes more sustainable.

The realization of economics of the green never did begin solely in political gestures but in the minute and momentous realization of independent enterprises with the care of the earth in mind.  There is no definite sequence of collecting data, making a decision in investment, investing, and so on necessarily determinative for a business community, although if no avenue is available, such a directive-oriented motion could be undertaken by the community.  The effective collection of matters and gathering of talent and enactment of motion towards the goals given by guidelines and general objectives, such when propelled and maintained by peoples collectively as towards the objectives of the care of the earth, as if such is deemed  rational and correct after long consideration, or as if the economy grows sufficiently for profitable or otherwise gainful opportunities to presence, should be sufficient for our nation to move forward together towards bringing the future into place.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

memo to builders: Meeting Space

The quick movement and fine adjustment by a crew composed of teams that take care of many items in a city carefully and precisely for the conditions to build to be of readiness is of no small matter.  As such, the requirements for compensation, benefits, security, and trust call for a united front as is traditional to many lineages of professional service.  The time has come for us to bring organization within up to level with the level of organization we express without.  Only with the regular and persistent effort does our own well being begin to be of interest and concern for those to whom we provide service.  It is required that the complex society we are consisted of be brought to such concentration as to reach representation in the public society.  Here I list the items of priority today and immediately:

1. towards a united front through internal communication

2. arrive at agreement of minimum optimal requirements such as health benefits, police communication, protection by law, credit for work, proper financial and other compensation, proper invitation to inspect prospect of work, public recognition of the extraordinary craftmanship and masterwork, retirement plan

3. arrive at agreement of procedures of accounting and keeping accounts

4. be poised towards representation in internal governance and external public communication

5. understand the value of negotiation power

To begin, we must picture internal governance as already ongoing.  While we are not seeking to institutionalize our internal affairs, we must mind and recognize good work done on this vein.  Although our numbers are not great, we are a complex society in and of itself.

To prepare for building trust with community, there is a need immediately for a formal meeting space where we can discuss and prepare some grounds for presenting that united front.  Arriving at a united front is beneficial because then there is greater negotiation power.  It is a secret that our excellent works have not been recognized, and proper compensation including protection have been rended in limited amounts.  It is impossible for the community to assist and recognize our continuing efforts if we are not entirely proactive about reaching the level of civil discussion. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

 The work never seems to end. One article near completion, and another calls.  How this town is precious to the world the way it is I shall have no words for today.  Another call returns the matter to the point of origin, the design, in the Grand Design.  How many worlds, big and small, call everyday I cannot begin to explain how a telephone should be designed in the future, oh, the far future, if only there were 2000 hours in a day.  Frontier, where we all are, all my friends, and a few of my enemies, all wanting to move forward in each their own motion, that takes a million million million seconds to decipher and recollect, and here I pen only two hundred words a day.  The brain has no final capacity, virtually no limits.  How many children have I passed that I looked internally with regret that I could not give a few choice words to, so they may know the extraordinary strength they possess, the incredible hurdles that must be overcome, to reach that plateau, that pasture, when we know we have arrived, finally, to this land to do our work.  Alas! I think that there are many many worlds: the geopolitical worlds cannot begin to comprehend the extents to which we could grow and blossom like spring daisies and daffodils upon this green pasture below the bright blue sky.  

Here now at the age of thirty-nine and almost four and zero, it strikes me how leisure and wonder are both possibilities in the world's potential.  There is still much unsaid and undone though much have been uttered at least by those about and much have been done too by those about.  I am best inclined to suppose I have done little, but in retrospect, it all seems like without recognition much goes unseen and so unrecognized.  Pity the fool who steals the glory - I joke.  

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Innovating legislation in zoning to be above and beyond the domain of bylaw is the challenge for Calgary in face of what decisive long term measures to be taken to protect for the future the enactment of fine architectural space rightfully in the potential of the skyscrapers built in recent times;

Preserving for future generations the fruits of labor by all the previous generations must remain within purview despite the novelty of vertical architecture in place of grand nature in the minds of Albertans and Canadians alike;

The openness of the country has never been a simple openness, but rather, hard earned from more than a century and a half of resolution and consensus: without the blunder of presumption blocking the way towards an optimistic and peaceful and common future, the Canadian heritage continues to grow through the civil actions of discussion and debate, through legitimate use of force and the court of law;

The pursuit of the discovery for children in each of the next generations should remain fully within their birthright and inheritance; 

Freedom always ruling the metric of the Good Life, the Way of Life of Calgarians and Albertans are governed by the individual’s sovereignty, their autonomous knowledge of self and moraled actions: there is True Good in the potential of the human being, and this they put to their day’s work, to their family and friends, and to the development of their being to the full potential.

I hereby propose the extraordinary task of zoning the interiority of Calgary’s vertical architecture, commonly known as skyscrapers, that such is of the highest difficulty, but that without a doubt within the capability of Calgarians and Albertans for generations to come, below are the items I bring to fore:



 First copy of The Protected Zone completed. 

The Protected Zone

Principle held in common inclusive of vertical architecture and spaces of architectural potential

See complete copy here: link 
(pdf and annotations to follow)