“Innovating legislation in zoning to be above and beyond the domain of bylaw is the challenge for Calgary in face of what decisive long term measures to be taken to protect for the future the enactment of fine architectural space rightfully in the potential of the skyscrapers built in recent times;
Preserving for future generations the fruits of labor by all the previous generations must remain within purview despite the novelty of vertical architecture in place of grand nature in the minds of Albertans and Canadians alike;
The openness of the country has never been a simple openness, but rather, hard earned from more than a century and a half of resolution and consensus: without the blunder of presumption blocking the way towards an optimistic and peaceful and common future, the Canadian heritage continues to grow through the civil actions of discussion and debate, through legitimate use of force and the court of law;
The pursuit of the discovery for children in each of the next generations should remain fully within their birthright and inheritance;
Freedom always ruling the metric of the Good Life, the Way of Life of Calgarians and Albertans are governed by the individual’s sovereignty, their autonomous knowledge of self and moraled actions: there is True Good in the potential of the human being, and this they put to their day’s work, to their family and friends, and to the development of their being to the full potential.
I hereby propose the extraordinary task of zoning the interiority of Calgary’s vertical architecture, commonly known as skyscrapers, that such is of the highest difficulty, but that without a doubt within the capability of Calgarians and Albertans for generations to come, below are the items I bring to fore:
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