Friday, May 20, 2022

Open letter to the city of Calgary

 It is usually of importance that shifts do not occur abruptly in an explicit manner: this has been long recognized in societies with stable governance and intellectual demographics.  While long term measures may be well within the logic and capability of a government and a people, the sequence of actions must be determined at least partially or in outline in advance so that events do not occur in ways out of order beyond the influence of legitimate powers including the agency and health of citizens.  That such a sequence must adapt to changing conditions of social events surrounding the issue under question leads to the implication of a social organizing to occur at various levels concurrently.

The assumption is made that proper inquiry has been conducted and conclusions drawn concerning the state of things relevant to the urban development in Calgary.  Also likely is that the optimal manner in which the city should grow has reached a certain degree of consensus despite the diversity that marks our communities.  

The growth of a city is, of course, multi-faceted, and each aspect is linked with each other aspect in complex ways.  Where the demand from the citizenry is stable growth or at least development within projection and influence, the solution involved must be multiple in makeup.

The response in discouraging general migration and irresponsible occupation is natural and with merit.  Due long history for settlement and consensus in common values, the process of mutual information routinely occurs between local citizens and and with folks from outside Alberta.  The diverse cultures represented within Calgary have not prevented the inclination to maintain the city as future oriented, stable, and safe.  That different peoples in Calgary are with different obstacles in facing such a challenge raises the question of the origin of the Town Hall.  It has been the case that common concern brings a community together.  The City of Calgary has a populace of more than 1.5 million people but still maintains a stable number for the populace for the reason that communication has continued over the decades.  Even as representation and rights remain a call for long term consideration, there is no doubt that all are united in the search for well being, economic opportunities, protection, and a good life.  It is not inconceivable that where denomination is found in the city, such as colleges and universities, representatives could be discovered who may see past the “conservative” label and begin to explore the perhaps harsher requirements to maintain society in a subtle manner.  Communication across ethnic, cultural, and other differences in disposition is always possible.  What mediation and or coordination could prepare for such as Town Hall without attracting undesirable attention?

The addition of members to forces of police and security may also have occasion to occur.  The question appears to concern the balance between the self-organizing capability of a force and the talent to subscribe to the natural rule of order.  In actuality, the question is upon the determinability of a problem or crisis at hand, and only then, does the ability to execute enter the question.  A central item at hand is the way of life in how citizens best relate with the police officers.  Whether improvements could be made to a police force could be debatable, although a course of action seems to be that the precedents and examples in other cities and states could be considered for reference.  The various private security companies nevertheless appear curious; perhaps an inquiry could be made unless all is already known and yours truly is the one in the dark.  Protection and order are well hoped for and deserved; it is in preparing for the unexpected, for instance, unusual traffic into the city for well publicized events, that some additional modes of operation could be recommended.

In terms of architecture and urban development, the availability of office and residential spaces, as well as the openness or closure to developers from outside the province, are the basic factors that could attract interest.  This, like legislation, brings into our purview an extended term through which additions, modifications, improvements, and adjustments could occur gradually.  In safeguarding the preservation of culture, the promotion of economy, the protection of nature, the security of citizens, and the quality and pace of life, there is much that could be possible.  If the fruits of such labor be further towards the horizon, various drivers that could curtail unwanted expansion of numbers should be employed wherever possible.  Actions or requirements are possible at a few different scales; if not all possible, then the rationale behind them may be effective nevertheless.  In a larger context outside of architecture, there are items concerning Canadian values and heritage that we could rely on to examine how best to guide discourse.  Should legislation follow to provide for the protection and preservation of openness to slow and maintained growth into built and not-yet-built spaces, that could of course be ideal as it would be a long term safeguard that also would provide the power behind the rule of law in containing the sudden and unexpected crises.  

What values underlie the Canadian mindset and the Alberta-and-Calgarian disposition I believe to draw deeply from the tradition and practice of setting and protecting our natural reserves and National Parks.  There is a deep respect for the natural and furthermore the untouched, the pristine, and the great potential of what we hold for future generations.  It is in line with and in preparation for the promotion of what is good towards being protected and enjoyed in times to come.  There is nothing selfish in believing that in preserving the grand potential of what is good would in future times become put to great appreciation when the time is right and the proper appropriation, be it of inaction, be had.  In the case of architecture, there is no sense in believing that it shall forever remain empty or underutilized; yet upon the same token, it is in waiting when the architecture that could provide the appropriate space is complete and ready where this deeply held value must be drawn.

There is great leadership across the community, not least of which is that of the individual police officers, EMS, and firefighters who respond to every call, coming from the heart of Calgary.  Despite so much effort, there is something for there being the force of law that stands behind all legitimate actions.  In the case of architectural space which is to be protected and preserved for generations to come, the role of law is no exception.  This is a matter to be considered and deliberated upon as carefully as possible.  There are many items in the field and discipline of architecture in and of itself: these too must be passed through the processes of the community so due thinking and actions could have the opportunity to occur.  

Suffice to finally note that at the bases these must always be held in mind: the well-being and happiness, general health, economic opportunities and adequate work, culture, nature, education, protection, and pace of life.  It should be a right and privilege to safeguard our way of life in this city of Calgary.

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