September 1, 2022
To Builders:
Now that the products of our labor have materialized to a stage of completion, items remain in the air for our continuing relationship with the City of Calgary. Alongside these important items which must be on all of our minds, the specific object of this decisive memo is first to regard our future.
The items at hand concerning our future and a summary of the decisions made are as following:
1) Five skyscraper designs were requested by a representative of the builders just prior to Spring 2022. Five pure concepts have been completed, the realization of which will demonstrate once again our expertise and consummate skill. The final concept drawings will be ready in February 2023. Presently, architects have come to Calgary in enquiry for future work, therefore contracts may be preliminarily projected for complete drawings including structural investigations in the foreseeable future.
2) In terms of where the intersection between our future and the future of Calgary exists: protective zoning is being proposed via a document that finds heritage and ideal to be bases for holding onto now existing architectural principle as pristine in view that future generations may utilize portions of it wisely and carefully. In view of the work that needs to be done to bring interior design and build to complete the spaces for use, the notion to be forwarded of prototypal floors may yet garner small projects for builders who are establishing homes here. Such new work will contract our presence with proper compensation that should aid our generation of establishment and home in Calgary.
3) I have decided to establish my design firm in Calgary, with the possibility of securing local as well as invited talent. It is my hope that the various building teams will continue to look into and place efforts in establishing a guild with representation to the public alongside my firm in Calgary or in Alberta. The persistence of the products of labor from the past twenty years is beyond adequate in persuading the public to embrace our presence. They will continue to require our presence to speak for and defend the architectural principle in support of nascent and growing industries and the long future economy in general.
4) There had been many transgressions and offenses reported, mainly instigated by groups foreign to this society but also by individuals who are part of this society, by our builders and architects. This, along with proper compensation, need to be addressed and followed up upon. A report to the RCMP and the public is being written presently that should serve to outline the type of problems we encountered here, the sheer quantity of work we performed here with the outcome of increased wealth to the city, and the relations we are seeking with the community.
5) At least one of the skyscrapers designed is intended for Saskatchewan. At present, the city of Saskatoon does not yet have sufficient security to bar against unwanted influxes, but it is my understanding that this city is beginning to examine their security issues. A plan needs to be laid out for a deliberate move to this city to prepare for building. As this Canadian city is closest to Calgary where a building program may be instated, much preparations need to occur. It is not too early to bring word and news on the possibility that we may add to their urban fabric in the near future. We will not be building as prolifically in Saskatoon as we did in Calgary, mainly because the economy of the city does not require such a long term future, but that they lack even a single skyscraper for their office functions is the main basis from which I understand the possibility to build. The proximity to Calgary where we are establishing is one of the most persuasive factor for us to seek immediate work there, especially following the awesome success of Calgary's build.
In view that the present is still trickling with items outstanding in Calgary, it is important for us to establish a strong and assertive presence. For all the work already accomplished, it is time to seek recognition, proper compensation, as well as investigation into transgressions. The first thing to do is to garner proper spaces for our office and meeting functions, and the second is to seek recognized relations with building offices long and recently established in Calgary. I am still working on the priority and sequence of our future actions. I hesitate to publish my concept drawings here but suffice to say they are of a higher caliber and beauty than the previous designs which have been realized in Calgary. It is my hope that Calgary will be our home base, so work is immediately continuing to account and address past problems as well as past successes. I will publish another memo here on October 1, 2022.
Thank you.
Ann Lee
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