Sunday, September 3, 2023

LTR: Legislative Assembly of Alberta

 September 3, 2023

Dear Calgary’s Electorate,

In the last three weeks, I have received news from those at the highest level of the build community in this city of Calgary concerning the unusual requests and on various which now this letter aims to address. Without a doubt, the recent decades had seen the awesome erections of skyscrapers into the city of Calgary that have attracted the attention from renowned and distinguished individuals and companies from all over the world.  This despite the otherly attention also garnered, that from the migrant communities whose skills are undeterminable, due to the reality that the essence and expression of their crafts are not recognizable as like ours, yet their actions yielded outcomes similar is only an illusion for it was our craft of building which was employed, sometimes against our will.  This should concern us all, as inspections are being planned into the future to inquire into the integrity of all that we had already made, as well as older buildings also affected, today all involved feel concern and worry, as well as suffer over losses as such to the proportion of beautiful designs.

But to return directly to the issue that prompted the writing of this letter, the matter at hand concerns the treatment of workers whose sophistication is not only proven, but also is with the proof of work at scale that spans the downtown core in the skyscrapers of the highest quality which have been raised.  Over more than twenty years have our expertise and consummate skill been displayed, generating a future resource which is comparable even to the swaths of forests in natural resource constituting a major component of our local economy.  Yet, what type of work are they presently being asked to see to?  It is the type of work whose mere mention make all of us cringe, let alone the fact that these workers work only at the highest level, as a surgeon to a hospital.  It is the report that they are being asked to look at clearing the underground sewage system, recently clogged with masses of unidentifiable materials extracted from above ground, that enraged yours truly.

It is the case that when a fine artist is asked to paint a shed, or when a surgeon asked to clean toilets, that the builder is harmed in ways which cannot be described when they are asked to examine such crude matters.  There might be reason to also indicate a parallel problem, one that has plagued the build community for some time in this city - it is the problem that the general populace of lesser skilled workers, who are asked to work finely but only at a grosser nature, such work as drywalling or painting, who cannot pay upwards from their exorbitant salaries, to workers who cannot by their trade and discipline regulations, demand pay with paper and contract normally.  This problem has alarmed architects and builders everywhere, for it is as though the build community locally lack the ability to detect fine work, and observe the conventions normal to the community, as understood by builders everywhere in the world.

These such troubles indicate that the local build community who do lesser work do not wish to acknowledge the extraordinary contribution by the most sophisticated expertise.  Such is discovered by me only in the recent two years, when other affairs such as looking after security of nations had moved to the forefront.  This matter, related to the interruption of funding or simply lack of funding from the local build community to the sophisiticated visiting and now local highest level of builders, is a matter which I am asking your electorate to examine towards the seeking of resolution.  It is not beyond my understanding that Albertans often feel that keep all is good for the province and city, however, as professional work belongs not in a local casino domain, and rather in the spotlight of the international domain, I would ask that your electorate consider at least the future costs and risks in relation to a reputation tarnished.

This letter is meant only as a short outline of concerns related not only to the design and build community, but also to the reputation of this city, an index composing of indicators, so therefore I will continue to motion forward in writing other concerns related to the health of men and city.  It is the case that fair and adequate accommodations were not provided in the recent decade for the men who are bringing the skyscrapers close to the completion stage in this time period.  Not only is house and food in shortage, but furthermore, the attitude with which local “construction workers” treat their superior workers, our builders remain lackluster at best, and rude and crude at worst.  This departs largely from the conventions of maintenance for the superior workers, as is elsewhere discovered everywhere in the world.

At this time, perhaps it would be worthwhile to note that recent opinions did float over to the questioning of the worth of these sophisticated workers due conflict pending elsewhere where racism is reigning, such as the land of China.  Such developments led to an attitude of thinking that such expertise could be viewed as “slave labor”, illogically, due to the precedence of mistreatment by polities which harbor ulterior motives as using the trade as a pawned figuring.  Fortunately, being in a first world country in Canada typically means that fair treatment of rights and privilege could be determined from proof of work.  This is a factor worth considering by your electorate, as it could constitute rationale for a call to rescue and aid our workers who continue to think and prepare to make even further contributions elsewhere in this country of Canada.  Of course, it would be amiss to not mention that should options run out here, then elsewhere we should find work… Not even I could hold back the currents of knowledge and perspectives by such skilled and clear minded men.

Now, there is a question as to whether building our own meeting places where leisure as in rest is possible could be an immediate option.  Such was attempted on more than one occasions in the past twenty years, however, in each case, some local groups decided and did uptake the properties for alternate use.  This is a problem which investigation should be carried out, for the preparations must have been substantial - could a legal approach be possible in transmitting to the communities at large the unacceptability of this type of “robbery”?  The truth of the matter stands that many of the men have felt states of injury in recent months or even the last three to five years - this could greatly affect the outcomes of whether future building in Canada by the build community at large is possible, for it will be a signal of friendship by the local people and government.  I do have further comments on future realizations of such community driven hubs for the builders, where care, accommodation, and dwelling could exist.  I do feel apprehension that my comments will be adapted for other uses prior the adoption for the chief purpose stated here - the care of the builders who had suffered affects by local conditions, on top of being mistreated by the local construction community.

This letter will close for now on a few more comments of general conditions, as this opportunity to receive your electorate’s attention could not be missed.  Aside from the perilous problem of not attending to builders in service, and relatedly, not attending to future reputation of this city and country, I will add that architects with firms and companies did also complain of similar.  But to address for a minute the very prominent developing situation, it appears to me that the upholding of the community in Calgary needs consider and very soon the developments of fare related to conflict.  It is to news that the attribution of credit be given - the approaching from the Pacific Ocean had now reached as far as Hawaii or even further.  Given various reports, it is the case that navy forces at sea cannot hold the large non-fleets and fleets at a distance from their approaching trajectories.  The fact is that everywhere on the coast are airports with planes and everywhere are private vehicles.  If the case be that the incoming individuals are vastly more violent and aggressive than the migrants we have seen, and probably so according to report, preparations beyond standing guard need to be made.  This is a problem coming that demands we put our passivity and peaceful longings into our sleeves and pocketes for a time, to consider how best to mitigate their arrivals into our city and province.  Wartime type preparations do not seem a hyperbole - assuming we receive news and transmissions in time, what could we put up from a state of readiness should the unthinkable unfold?  The estimated time to arrival is between 0.5 and 4 years.  Surely, things such as closure of airport and discontinuation of paths save secured travel should become possible.  Despite that more and more uniforms arrive, the men’s state of readiness remain largely a failure.

In case you are curious also of my whereabouts, I am currently negotiating for contract position while in position at the hospital.  I find it important to prepare myself for the future, in this case, trying to acquire the skills of a medic.  Meanwhile, I am busy analysing intelligence I collected in the months previous, at a post which I myself founded, of “counting planes,” ie. analyzing flight patterns and their relations with other threats, as well as migrant-invasion tendencies that existed locally.  Meanwhile, I am seeking avenues for safe work in architecture and building, so that the company’s future could become secure.  I am available for meeting, whether in town or at this particular location of the hospital, where there exists Fisher Hall in which convening is possible.  I am available at all hours of the day.  Please discover who could possibly see me in an individual appointment, and who could convene as a group.  My father, the world architect of Hong Kong, previous, with a great hand of arranging these recent decades of building in Calgary, has appointed me his successor, including the responsibility of taking care of Calgary.  Previous were my designs for the skyscrapers, as well as bringing large business interests into this city after 2008.

Thank you for your attention: I look forward to your response.  Please write to me at PO Box 93058, Calgary, Alberta, T2G0X6, or contact me directly in person at Rockyview General Hospital Unit 49 on the main floor.


Ann Lee

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